
Zeige Ergebnisse 171 - 180 (430)

Smart in OAC - AFNET 9

The design paper was successfully published in "Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine".


Internationale Kooperationen

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International cooperations

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AFNET aims at improving the treatment of atrial fibrillation. The network initiates and conducts clinical trials and registries (investigator initiated trials IIT). AFNET not only assumes the scientific direction of these studies but also the organizational sponsor responsibilities according to the EU guideline for the application of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).
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Molekulare Ursachen

Zusammenfassung Molekulare und elektrophysiologische Ursachen von Vorhofflimmern in einem Modell der strukturellen Vorhof-Veränderungen (CREM-transgene Maus) Wissenschaftliche Leitung Prof. Paulus Kirchhof, Birmingham Gesamtverantwortung Kompetenznetz Vorhofflimmern e.V, Münster Aktueller Stand...
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Molecular causes

Summary Molecular and electrophysiological causes of atrial fibrillation in a transgenic model (CREM-IbDC-X-transgenic mouse) Coordinating Investigator Prof. Paulus Kirchhof, Birminham, UK Overall Responsibility Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET), Münster, Germany Current Status completed Funding...
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