Auf dem diesjährigen AHA Kongress (Chicago, USA) werden die Ergebnisse der AXADIA-AFNET8 Studie sowie einer EAST-AFNET4 Subanalyse als Live-Stream präsentiert:
Featured Science Session (FS.03): Featured Science in Heart Rhythm Medicine
Apixaban or vitamin K antagonists for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation on hemodialysis: Results of the randomized AXADIA-AFNET 8 trial
07.11.2022 | 0:20 – 0:30 (CET) / 06.11.2022 | 5:20pm – 5:30pm (CST)
Sprecher: Dr. Paulus Kirchhof
Featured Science Session (FS.03): Featured Science in Heart Rhythm Medicine
Association of genetic risk and outcomes in patients with early rhythm control therapy in atrial fibrillation: Results from the EAST-AFNET4 trial
07.11.2022 | 0:30 – 0:40 (CET) / 06.11.2022 | 5:30pm – 5:40pm (CST)
Sprecher: Dr. Shinwan Kany