Clone of 9. AFNET / EHRA Konsensuskonferenz

Longer and better lives for patients with atrial fibrillation

11th - 13th September 2023, Münster(Westf.), Germany


Scientific Committee

Prof Paulus Kirchhof (AFNET; Hamburg, Germany)
Prof. Helmut Pürerfellner (EHRA; Linz, Austria)
Prof. Andreas Götte (AFNET; Paderborn, Germany)
Prof. Isabell van Gelder (EHRA; Groningen, The Netherlands)


Press release



Plenary lectures

Screening to initiate anticoagulation

Chair: Paulus Kirchhof (Hamburg, DE), Helmut Pürerfellner (Linz, AT)

  • New anticoagulants I Valeria Caso (Perugia, IT)
  • AF patterns revisited I Michiel Rienstra (Groningen, NL)
  • Impact of recent screening and AHRE trials (LOOP, NOAH)? I Søren Zöga Diederichsen (Copenhagen, DK)
  • Anticoagulation with Edoxaban in patients with Atrial High-Rate Episodes I Tobias Tönnis (Hamburg, DE)
  • Effect of arrhythmia burden on cardiovascular events I Jason Andrade (Vancouver, CAN)
  • AF surgery and the role of the AF Heart team in 2023 I Nicolas Doll (Stuttgart, DE)


Better rhythm management Better rhythm control: Attaining sinus rhythm to improve outcomes

Chair: Isabelle van Gelder (Groningen, NL), Andreas Götte (Paderborn, DE)

  • Cognitive dysfunction: Comorbidity, outcome, or both? I Karl Georg Häusler (Würzburg, DE)
  • PITX2 and AF I Leif Hove-Madsen (Barcelona, ES)
  • Attaining sinus rhythm mediates the effects of early rhythm control I Lars Eckardt (Münster, DE)
  • Different ways of rhythm control lead to outcome reduction: EAST and beyond I A Ng (Leicester, UK)
  • Linear lesions – past or future? I Reza Wakili (Essen, DE)
  • When is the right time to switch from rhythm control to ablate and pace? I Kevin Vernooy (Maastricht, NL)


Comorbidities, atrial cardiomyopathy, and integrated AF care

Chair:  Jose Merino (Madrid, Spain), Stylianos Tzeis (Athens, Greece)

  • Role of NOAC therapy in patients with AF on hemodialysis I Andreas Goette (Paderborn, DE)
  • CATLE Htx I Christian Sohns (Bad Oeynhausen, DE)
  • Born with atrial fibrillation? Strong and weak genetic effects driving AF I Stefan Kääb (Munich, DE)
  • Move to keep the rhythm: Exercise, weight loss, and improved rhythm control I Prash Sanders (Adelaide, AUS)


New technologies and treatments

Chair: Andreas Goette (Paderborn, DE), Tom de Potter (Aalst, BE)

  • How does exclusion of the atrial appendage modify stroke risk? I Jeff Healey (Hamilton, CA)
  • Role of leadless pacers and conduction system pacing in patients with AF I Wolfgang Dichtl (Innsbruck, AT)
  • RF, cryo, pulsed field ablation – what is the future of PVI? I Andreas Metzner (Hamburg, DE)
  • Circulating biomolecules for risk prediction and therapy selection I Ziad Hijazi (Uppsala, Sweden)



  • Machine learning and AI for early detection of stroke and AF - the MAESTRIA project
  • Better rhythm management to improve outcomes
  • Improved risk prediction for stroke prevention: AF burden, cardiomyopathy, biomolecules
  • Pacing in AF
  • Modern AF drug therapy: heart failure, new antiarrhythmic drugs, genetics, new mechanisms
  • Comorbidity management to prevent AF



This event is supported by AFNET and EHRA with additional financial support from MAESTRIA which is funded under European Union's (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant number 965286).