The AFNET activities are conducted decentrally within the network projects and are managed centrally by the Board of Directors and the Central Office.
The Honarary Board of Directors has four members:

Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Götte, Paderborn, Germany

Prof. Dr. med. Paulus Kirchhof, Hamburg, Germany (Chair)

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. (PhD) Ulrich Schotten, Maastricht, Netherlands (Treasurer)

Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Willems, Hamburg, Germany
The honorary Steering Committee has the following members:

Prof. Andreas Götte, Paderborn
Prof. Paulus Kirchhof, Hamburg
Prof. Ulrich Schotten, Maastricht
Prof. Stephan Willems, Hamburg
Prof. Thorsten Lewalter, München
Prof. Lars Eckardt, Münster
Prof. Michael Näbauer, München
Prof. Karl Georg Häusler, Würzburg
Prof. Renate Schnabel, Hamburg
Prof. Dierk Thomas, Heidelberg
Prof. Ingo Kutschka, Göttingen
Prof. Reza Wakili, Essen
Prof. Günter Breithardt, Münster (permanent guest)
Prof. Ursula Ravens, Freiburg
Dr. Doreen Haase, Münster
Prof. Gerd Hindricks, Leipzig
The AFNET Advisory Board has three members:
Univ.- Prof. em. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Günter Breithardt, Münster
Dr. Alexander Hewer, Stuttgart
Prof. Burkhard Sträter, Bonn