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20 Jahre AFNET Broschüre

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen unsere Broschüre anlässlich unseres 20-jährigen Bestehens, vorstellen zu können. 

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20 Years of AFNET-Booklet

We are pleased to present you our bookelt on the occasion of our 20th anniversary.

You can read/download it here


Patient recruitment - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

Since the start of recruitment, 93 patients have been enrolled into MAESTRIA – AFNET 10. Here you find an overview of the current status of patient recruitment. Sites recruiting Country Study site Principal investigator (PI) Patients enrolled Start of enrolment Germany Asklepios Klinik St. Georg...

Patient recruitment - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

Since the start of recruitment, 93 patients have been enrolled into MAESTRIA – AFNET 10. Here you find an overview of the current status of patient recruitment. Sites recruiting Country Study site Principal investigator (PI) Patients enrolled Start of enrolment Germany Asklepios Klinik St. Georg...

Study Sites - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

There are new study sites in Spain and Germany. One of them is the Hospital Clinico San Carlos in Madrid. The team of principal investigator Dr. David Filgueiras Rama, Lucía Cortés Marín, and Elena Usandizaga (not on the picture) at Hospital Clinico San Carlos in Madrid started patient enrolment in...

Study Sites - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

There are new study sites in Spain and Germany. One of them is the Hospital Clinico San Carlos in Madrid. The team of principal investigator Dr. David Filgueiras Rama, Lucía Cortés Marín, and Elena Usandizaga (not on the picture) at Hospital Clinico San Carlos in Madrid started patient enrolment in...

News from the AFNET team - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

Since the beginning of 2024, MAESTRIA – AFNET 10 has new project managers at AFNET. Get to know the current team. The current study management team at AFNET consists of Dr. Sabine Jürgensmeyer (right) as project manager, Dr. Antje Albring (left) as deputy project manager, and Meike Rolfing as...

News from the AFNET team - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

Since the beginning of 2024, MAESTRIA – AFNET 10 has new project managers at AFNET. Get to know the current team. The current study management team at AFNET consists of Dr. Sabine Jürgensmeyer (right) as project manager, Dr. Antje Albring (left) as deputy project manager, and Meike Rolfing as...

20 years of AFNET event in Berlin - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

AFNET celebrated its 20th anniversary on January 17th in Berlin with around 60 invited guests from science, business and politics. Under the motto “Together for the heart rhythm”, AFNET provided information about its research activities. In her welcoming speech, the Parliamentary State Secretary in...

20 years of AFNET event in Berlin - MAESTRIA - Newsletter 01/24

AFNET celebrated its 20th anniversary on January 17th in Berlin with around 60 invited guests from science, business and politics. Under the motto “Together for the heart rhythm”, AFNET provided information about its research activities. In her welcoming speech, the Parliamentary State Secretary in...