On 12th and 13th September, more than 70 international experts in atrial fibrillation came together in Münster, Germany, and took part in the 9th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference – among them several MAESTRIA consortium members.
Participants of the 9th AFNET/EHRA Consensus Conference came from Europe, USA, Canada, and Australia. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Andreas Goette, Paderborn, Germany, and Prof. Paulus Kirchhof, Hamburg, Germany, both from AFNET, and Prof. Helmut Pürerfellner, Linz, Austria, and Prof. Isabelle van Gelder, Groningen, Netherlands, both from EHRA.
This was already the 9th meeting of its kind. Since 2007, AFNET and EHRA organize biennial joint conferences in which international AF experts pool their knowledge. After detailed discussions, the scientists publish their results in a consensus report.
The participating scientists discussed new results in AF screening, the therapeutic impact of rare atrial arrhythmias picked up by implanted devices and consumer electronics, the role of early rhythm control, new data on the interaction of comorbidities with AF and AF management, new technologies for AF detection and management, the role of pacing and devices in the management of AF and heart failure, as well as new trial results from the main 2023 congresses.
Prof. Goette summarized: “During the conference, we jointly developed recommendations for better AF management. A writing group summarized them afterwards and is currently preparing a position paper. We hope our results will be integrated into the upcoming treatment guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) next year.”
The conference was organized and co-financed by AFNET and EHRA with additional financial support from MAESTRIA.
A special break-out group discussed MAESTRIA related research questions.
Prof. Andreas Goette was interviewed by Dr. Beatriz Lorente.
The participants of the 9th AFNET/EHRA consensus conference