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221 - 230 (346)

Meet the study teams at AFNET and Cardialysis!

Several people are involved in the management and conduction of MAESTRIA – AFNET 10, including AFNET and the contract research organization (CRO) Cardialysis, the Corelabs, the work package leader and others. We will use the newsletter as a platform to introduce all these players to you. In this...

Meeting on data management

On Monday 26th June, a group of MAESTRIA consortium partners involved in data management compared notes in a web-meeting. The participants were representatives from the study management teams at AFNET and Cardialysis, the core labs for ECG, Echo, CT, and MRI, the AI and statistics teams and others...

ESC Kongress 2023

Termine mit AFNET Beteiligung: 

25. August 2023, 8:30, "Stockholm", Stroke and bleeding risk in atrial fibrillation: walking the tight rope (Paulus Kirchhof)


ESC Congress 2023

ANET associated events: 

25 August 2023, 8:30, "Stockholm", Stroke and bleeding risk in atrial fibrillation: walking the tight rope (Paulus Kirchhof)

More information.


Clone of Kompetenznetz Vorhofflimmern_TEST

Im Jahr 2010 wurde der eingetragene Verein Kompetenznetz Vorhofflimmern e.V. gegründet. Der Verein ist aus dem Forschungsprojekt Kompetenznetz Vorhofflimmern hervorgegangen, das von 2003 bis 2014 vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanziert wurde. Seit Januar 2015 werden einzelne Projekte des AFNET vom Deutschen Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung (DZHK) gefördert.

Clone of Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET)

The Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET) is an interdisciplinary research network comprising scientists and physicians from hospitals and practices dedicated to improving the management of atrial fibrillation through coordinated research in Germany, Europe and beyond. Its main objective is to conduct high quality investigator-initiated clinical trials and registries on a national and international level.